
VIDEO: Zari aeleze kilichomuua Ivan Ssemwanga huku akipinga kuwa aliwekewa sumu

Kumekua na uvumi kuwa kifo cha aliyekuwa mume wa Zari – Ivan Ssemwanga kilisababishwa na kuwekewa sumu. Zari amepinga uvumi huu.

Akiongea, Zari alisema kiharusi (stroke) aliyokua nayo Ivan kilisababisha mshipa wa kichwa chake kupasuka. Alisema kupasuka kwa mshipa huo kulisababisha damu kumwagika kwenye ubongo wa Ivan na hii ndo ilisababisha kifo chake.

“Ivan was never poison, Ivan alikua na high blood pressure na hajawai kupima na if alipima he’s never taken it serious that he needs to take his medication. So what happened alipata stroke, vile alipata stroke high blood pia ikapanda. Now during the stroke akawa paralyzed one side of the body which is the left. And during the stroke venye imempiga, imempiga vibaya akapasuka vein in his head…in his brain…mshipa right? That thing in the head ikamwaga damu in his brain so daktari wakaniambia most of the patients like him, 80% of those patients like they die immediately. Wakaniambia 20% wenye wamebaki usually they die within a month and the other 10% hao…if they come back, if they make it wanakua fully dependent yani kumvalisha pampers, kumogesha, kumkulisha and things like that. So nkamuuliza ‘doctor what’s going on with my patient I wanna know’ akaniambia ‘look we are only trying to see what we can…wakamfanya operation to reduce the pressure on the brain ya ile damu lakini the operation also wasn’t successful because during the operation pressure ilikua inapanda inashuka inapanda inashuka and then also during the same operation he over bled so they didn’t continue with the operation because he was going die immediately, wakamrudisha in the ward to try stabilize him so that they can see if they can perform a second operation. So during that time when they were supposed to go back hali yake ikawa it’s just getting down and then towards the last day wakanipigia simu ‘look it’s not good you need to come and say goodbye because tumeona blood pressure kwanza ilipanda sana 220, normal blood is about 120/125. Ivan alikua 220 ilikua so bad ikakataa, sasa vile imeshuka ikashuka to 36 which was really bad. So wakatuambia come and say goodbyes tukasema our goodbyes tukarudi nyumbani because that day imepita nothing happened. Usiku around 2 o’clock on am…was it Tuesday or Wednesday 2am wakanipigia simu your patient has passed on, lakini during the day they had already told us that he’s on the process of passing on, wakatuambia no more visitors let him pass on, let his soul go in peace. It’s not poison, amekufa kwasababu of a stroke which ruptured vein in his brain coz a lot of bleeding, it was bad.” Zari alieleza.

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