
Al-Shabaab issue stern WARNING to Somali women in Kenya

Terror group al-Shabaab have issued a strong warning to Somali women in Kenya. The group has prohibited Somali women living in border towns to seek medical help frmm KDF and US Marines. The areas mentioned close to the border include Basuba, Kiunga and Ishakani in Lamu East.

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Al-Shabaab has issued a stern warning to Somali women in Kenya from seeking treatment from the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) or the US Marines.

The militant group has reportedly warned mothers not to seek medical help from the security forces in the border towns in the country.

The threats are said to have come after media reports showing a high number of Somali women and their children seeking medical attention in Lamu County.

Al-Shabaab issue stern WARNING to Somali women in Kenya
The Star reported that the areas mentioned close to the border include Basuba, Kiunga and Ishakani in Lamu East.The group issued the warning early in the week prohibiting people in the areas from seeking treatment from non-Muslims.

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Al-Shabaab issue stern WARNING to Somali women in Kenya
Lamu Health Services director David Mulewa said the county had launched immunization programmes for various diseases since immigrants in those areas do not have immunization records. The militants have launched several attacks in the country including the recent attack in Kulbiyow KDF base which killed over several soldiers.