
Real Talk: Drugs and drug abuse in our society

It’s a time when the fight against drugs has intensified across Kenya and Tanzania, but have you ever wondered why our youth are the ones who normally suffer the most in our society as a result of this menace? Well I decided to find out about this. Some of the findings I made are well known to us.

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Many people who have been involved in drug abuse say they saw it as a solution to their problems, barriers and stress. The truth of the matter is that engaging in drugs has landed such people into deeper problems and left them heart broken.

Usually, the society will tend to neglect such people, let alone their families. Believe you me, not many people would associate with a drug user. Only a few people come to their resque.

Away from that, some youth indulge in drugs because they wanna fit in a group, gang or community they relate to so as to identify themselves with those who belong there. This is always as a result of peer pressure and influence from people surrounding them. What we are forgetting is the fact that the decisions we make have consequences so we need to think critically before we make a decision.

On the other hand, some who have been involved in the abuse at some point, were curious and wanted to experiment on what they see or hear happening. I listened to a testimonial from an old friend (now a drug addict) saying he had always wanted to try out what he hears and sees his favorite celebs do. Slowly by slowly, he started smoking ‘weed’ and as time went by, he ventured into more hard drugs like cocaine and others. At the moment he says he cannot go for a day without them, which has made him spend heavily on drugs.

In another testimonial talk I had with ‘Marijuana’ addict, he was able to confess to me that the reason why he is into it is that he always gains courage and he is able to rebel and get violent without fear whenever he uses it.

Some also say that the ease of accessing drugs ha lured many youth into trying it out, which has eventually led into addiction. It’s indeed true that drugs are all over and their supply is increasing day by day.

In short, everybody has a reason why he/she is doing drugs.What we should therefore put into consideration is the negative effects of the same. In my opinion, I can call drug a poison as it kills the user bit by bit and can easily lead to loss of life. It’s a matter of choosing.listen to your heart and ask yourself whether what you are doing is right or not, then make an informed decision.

I would like to tell my fellow youth that it’s never too late.Remember that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Somebody once said, “A man without a vision is the most useless person”. Let us all fight drugs boldly without fear.

By: Teddyza Agwa
Instagram: @teddyzabway