
Did you enjoy your trip? We certainly did! Robert Mugabe orders the Internet to delete images of him falling over at event... and it responds with these hilarious memes

  • Zimbabwe's president tripped as he walked down steps at the airport
  • Shortly after Mugabe Falls meme began spreading on the internet
  • Memes shows him running on a track, dancing with Beyonce and surfing
  • Today, Zimbabwean government tried to deny the incident ever happened
  • Photographers who captured the fall allegedly 'asked to delete images' 
    Tumble for tumblr: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe falling over at Harare International Airport has become a popular internet meme overnight

    Using the hashtag 'Mugabe Falls', images showing the 90-year-old president in a series of funny situations began spreading online.
    The memes features a cut-out image of Mugabe in various imagined circumstances, such as part of Beyonce's Single Ladies choreography, surfing or running from security forces.

    Surf 'n turf: The memes features a cut-out image of Mugabe in various imagined circumstances

    Put a ring on it: Robert Mugabe inserted in Beyonce's video for hit single Single Ladies

    Breaking the internet: The ageing president is seen with his hand on the famous buttocks of Kim Kardashian

    Others show the ageing leader as an Olympic runner and with his hand on the infamous bottom of Kim Kardashian. 
    Today, Zimbabwe's government tried to deny that the President had tripped at all, saying said Mugabe, 90, did not fall down the steps, but 'managed to break the fall.'

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